Wednesday, September 25, 2024

3 Quick Tricks to Instantly Improve Your Writing

Writers look for shortcuts to improve their writing. By reading books and blog posts on the subject, attending workshops and conferences on writing, and evening listening to podcasts devoted to the topic, they hope to take their writing to a higher level. Whether you're crafting a blog post, writing a story, or drafting an email, writing effectively can sometimes feel like a daunting task. The good news is that such shortcuts exist! Here are three quick tricks you can use right now to instantly elevate your writing:

1. Trim the Fat: Cut Unnecessary Words

One of the quickest ways to make your writing more impactful is to cut unnecessary words. Overly verbose writing can dilute your message and cost you your reader’s interest.

  • Identify Wordy Phrases: Look for phrases that can be streamlined. For example, instead of saying "due to the fact that," simply say "because."
  • Eliminate Redundancies: Avoid repeating the same idea in different words. If you’ve already mentioned something, there's no need to reiterate it unless you’re adding new information or emphasis.

A good exercise is to review your writing and ask yourself if each sentence serves a clear purpose. If it doesn’t, consider cutting it or rephrasing it more concisely.

2. Use Active Voice

Active voice makes your writing more direct and engaging. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action.

  • Spot the Passive Voice: Passive constructions often include forms of the verb "to be" followed by a past participle (e.g., "The teacher was tested by Todd"). Look for these in your text.
  • Convert to Active Voice: Revise sentences to place the subject first and make it the doer of the action (e.g., "Todd tested his teacher").

Active voice not only clarifies who is doing what but also makes your writing more dynamic and easier to read.

3. Read Aloud

Reading your writing aloud is a simple yet powerful technique to catch errors and improve flow. This method allows you to hear how your words sound and spot awkward phrasing or unclear passages.

  • Listen for Flow: Pay attention to the rhythm and pace of your sentences. If you stumble over a phrase while reading, consider revising it.
  • Identify Mistakes: Hearing your text out loud draws your attention to errors or typos that you tend to overlook when reading silently.

Make a habit of reading your drafts aloud. It can help you refine your writing and ensure it communicates your ideas clearly and effectively.

When you start using these quick tricks, you can enhance the quality of your writing almost immediately. These strategies not only make your text more engaging but also ensure that your message is conveyed with clarity and precision. So, give them a try and see how much of a difference they make!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Unlocking Your Potential: The Benefits of Attending a Virtual Writing Master Class

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the time and space to attend traditional in-person workshops can be challenging. However, the rise of virtual writing master classes offers a convenient and flexible alternative that can help you improve your writing skills. I’ve attended plenty of both! Whether you’re an aspiring novelist, a seasoned journalist, or someone looking to improve their writing for personal or professional reasons, here are some benefits of attending a virtual writing master class:

1. Flexible Scheduling and Accessibility

One of the greatest advantages of signing up for virtual writing master classes is the flexibility they offer.

  • Attend from Anywhere: Whether you’re at home, on vacation, or even at a café, you can join a virtual class from any location with an internet connection. This means you can fit learning into your schedule more easily.
  • Recordings for Later: Many virtual master classes provide recordings of the sessions, allowing you to revisit lessons and catch up on anything you might have missed. This is especially useful if you have a busy schedule or if you want to reinforce your learning.

2. Diverse Expertise and Perspectives

 Virtual writing master classes tend to bring together a variety of instructors and guest speakers, providing you with exposure to diverse expertise and perspectives.

  • Learn from Experts: Many classes are taught by published authors, experienced editors, or industry professionals who bring valuable insights and practical advice. Their experiences can provide you with unique tips and techniques.
  • Global Perspectives: Virtual formats often attract participants from around the world, creating a melting pot of ideas and viewpoints. This diversity can enrich your understanding of different writing styles and genres.

3. Interactive Learning and Networking Opportunities

Despite being virtual, these classes often include interactive elements that enhance the learning experience.

  • Real-Time Feedback: Many virtual master classes offer opportunities for live Q&A sessions, breakout discussions, and peer reviews. This real-time interaction allows you to receive immediate feedback and engage with instructors and fellow participants. (This is one of my favorite parts of a virtual master class!)
  • Build a Network: Virtual classes can connect you with a community of like-minded writers. Networking opportunities, such as discussion forums or group projects, enable you to share ideas, collaborate on writing projects, and build valuable connections in the writing community.

These  aspects can enhance your learning experience and provide you with ongoing support and inspiration.

4. Cost-Effective Learning

It’s been my experience that virtual writing master classes are more cost-effective than in-person workshops or conferences.

  • Lower Costs: Without the need for physical venues, travel, and accommodation expenses, virtual classes typically have lower tuition fees. This makes high-quality writing instruction more affordable and accessible.
  • Additional Resources: Many online classes offer supplementary materials, such as downloadable e-books, templates, and writing prompts, which can add value to your learning experience without additional cost.

By offering a more affordable option, virtual master classes make it easier for you to invest in your writing development.

5. Convenient and Focused Learning

Virtual master classes allow you to learn in a comfortable environment of your choosing. 

  • Personalized Environment: You can choose a learning environment that suits you best, whether that’s a quiet room at home or a cozy corner at a coffee shop. This personalization can help you stay focused and engaged.
  • On-Demand Learning: Many classes provide on-demand content, allowing you to learn at your own pace. This flexibility helps you absorb information more thoroughly and apply what you’ve learned more effectively.


Attending a virtual writing master class offers numerous benefits, from flexibility and diverse perspectives to cost-effectiveness and interactive learning. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can enhance your writing skills, connect with other writers, and make significant strides in your creative journey—all from the comfort of your own space. Explore the virtual writing classes available and unlock your potential as a writer!

Incidentally, Write2Ignite has a master class coming up this Saturday! Check it out at

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Updates and a Writing Masterclass

 I participated in the Write2Ignite Fantasy Writing masterclass taught by Amy Earls. Here is a screenshot of our breakout room session when Amy came to chat! 

I enjoy reading fantasy from time to time but have not written any but a few fairytales in the distant past. However, I'm feeling inspired after this masterclass, and I may try my hand at something new!

As for my picture book that is under contract, the editing process is done, and I've been collecting endorsements (at the publishing house's request) while I wait for the illustrator to finish with the artwork for the book. This is both exciting and scary! Will I like it or not? How could I not like it since it's about one of my favorite things—Christmas? I can't wait to see!

That's all for now. I've participated in 2.5 book launch teams for some of my colleagues. There is a learning curve to preparing to launch a new book, and I'm absorbing all the things!

Stay tuned for my updates in the coming weeks!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

New Year, New Experiences

For my upcoming publication (Christmas picture book), I’m filling out an intense, multiple-page marketing form from the publisher’s marketing team. I’ve never worked with one of these before!

One question asks me to share five random/interesting facts about myself for their website. I have a few ideas, but I’m not sure what others would think is interesting or random (odd? weird? goofy?) about me. I feel pretty boring and routine. But oddly enough, I have a fascinating friend who would describe her life as boring too! Clearly we don’t see ourselves as others see us. Luckily, I have a lot of friends who gave me some great ideas for fun random facts!

To find out what those five random facts are, you’ll have to follow me on social media or follow my blog so you’ll know when those facts are shared on the Ambassador International website!

Keep following my journey to book publication and find out what goes into transforming an idea into a physical book!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Sorry for the Delay, Check this Out!

 Techie problems prevented me from posting this video in November, and I got wrapped up in the holidays and let it slide. Here is my news! Happy dance! Stick with me as I blog about this journey!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Waiting Is Hard!

Tonight Blogger has let me upload a photo! So here I am, waiting for something to arrive in my hands. Then I'll be ready to share my happy, thrilling news! But waiting is hard!


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Here Comes an Announcement!

 And the announcement is ...







that big news is coming later this week! I was about to blurt the news to everyone, but to do it justice, I need to tie up a few loose ends first. So stay tuned!

Not sure why Blogger won't let me upload a photo. Things seem to have changed since I was last here.

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