I participated in the Write2Ignite Fantasy Writing masterclass taught by Amy Earls. Here is a screenshot of our breakout room session when Amy came to chat!
I enjoy reading fantasy from time to time but have not written any but a few fairytales in the distant past. However, I'm feeling inspired after this masterclass, and I may try my hand at something new!
As for my picture book that is under contract, the editing process is done, and I've been collecting endorsements (at the publishing house's request) while I wait for the illustrator to finish with the artwork for the book. This is both exciting and scary! Will I like it or not? How could I not like it since it's about one of my favorite things—Christmas? I can't wait to see!
That's all for now. I've participated in 2.5 book launch teams for some of my colleagues. There is a learning curve to preparing to launch a new book, and I'm absorbing all the things!
Stay tuned for my updates in the coming weeks!