Saturday, October 6, 2012

New url, Same Blog

Howdy, friends!

No cowboys here, just felt like saying “howdy.” I don't know why.

Anyway, this is a test. I discovered tonight that I could change my url, so I did! My old one didn’t make sense. I didn’t really understand about the url thing when I created this blog, and was trying for something no one else would use: Brenda-Bramblerose. Clever, right? Yeah ... well ... No one looking for me would ever think of that, and I have decided it might be pleasant to be found (we shall see, won’t we), so I’ve given this blog my name: Brenda Covert.

My second discovery tonight was that the old bookmark to my blog no longer works. Oh well, since I know my own name, I quickly found my blog again. Easy peasy!

My third discovery will be whether my followers will learn of my change in their feeds/readers, or whether it tells them the blog is no longer there, and they will think I have died. Thus, I am  posting this essentially non-blog to find out which it’s going to be!

So, if you saw this without having to know my new url, please reply below. And if you had to become a detective to find me because I disappeared from your feed, let me know that as well. In fact, if you laid eyes on these words, say howdy back and let me know you were here. I’d be mighty obliged.

Mighty obliged.


  1. I"m reading this, if that helps! But I see that its address above is networkedblogs, so I'm going to explore a bit and see what I find. I'll let you know!

  2. Oh, funny...when it accepted my comment, it switched to your new url. So here I am on the actual blog. Yay!

  3. Cool! That was through Networked Blogs? Now I just have to find out how Google Reader and plain ol' member/following handless the change ...

  4. I didn't do anything and it showed up on my dashboard. :)

  5. I do have to enter the captcha though. I turned that off on mine in settings or something.

  6. I linked to you from Facebook, but went to my Reader, and your new blog is there, so hopefully the change will be seamless! Good to get a note from you!

  7. Donna, what was confusing? You arrived at this blog even though I changed the focus and my url address! (It used to be, and now it's Now that I've posted a new blog post, I hope you find me again!

    To everybody: I'm glad changing my url didn't make me fall off your lists!


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